
TypeScript Type Aliases

 In this tutorial, you will learn how to define new names for types using type aliases.

Introduction to TypeScript type aliases

Type aliases allow you to create a new name for an existing type. The following shows the syntax of the type alias:

type alias = existingType;

The existing type can be any valid TypeScript type.

The following example use the type alias chars for the string type:

type chars = string;
let messsage: chars; // same as string type

It’s useful to create type aliases for union types. For example:

type alphanumeric = string | number;
let input: alphanumeric;
input = 100; // valid
input = 'Hi'; // valid
input = false; // Compiler error


Use type aliases to define new names for existing types.

About the Author: Narayan selvan

I am a front-end developer.