Drools Business Central

Setup Business Central on Docker

In this tutorial, we will see how to setup business-central and kie-server using Docker containers. Basically, we need the Docker images listed below to run business-central and kie-server, since these two Docker images are already present in the Public Hub. If you do not have Docker on your machine, click here to install it.

  • Business-Central Image – quay.io/kiegroup/business-central-workbench-showcase:latest
  • Kie-server Image – quay.io/kiegroup/kie-server-showcase:latest

Let’s see how to run these docker images

1) Business-Central Docker Image

The image contains:

  • JBoss Wildfly 23.0.2.Final
  • KIE Business-Central Workbench 7.73.0.Final

This image provides the KIE Business-Central Workbench. It’s intended to be extended so you can add your custom configurations.

If you don’t want to extend this image and you just want to try business-central Workbench take a look at the quay.io/kiegroup/business-central-workbench-showcase:latest Docker image, it contains some default configurations.

Docker command

To run a container:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8001:8001 -d --name business-central quay.io/kiegroup/business-central-workbench-showcase:latest

Once container and web applications started, you can navigate into the business-central Workbench at:


This image provides a default user admin using password admin and with the role admin. Using the credential, we can login into business-central

2. Kie-server Docker Image

The image contains:

  • JBoss Wildfly 23.0.2.Final
  • KIE Server 7.73.0.Final

This is a ready to run Docker image for Drools KIE Server. Just run it and try the business-central runtime execution server!

The JBoss KIE Execution server is intended to be used as a standalone runtime execution environment managed by a KIE Business Central or Drools Workbench.

Docker command

To run a container:

docker run -p 8180:8080 -d --name kie-server --link business-central:kie-wb quay.io/kiegroup/kie-server-showcase:latest


  • Consider ‘business-central’ as the name of your busines-central-showcase workbench running container.
  • Port 8080 is bind to port 8180 on the docker host considering that business-central container is already using it

As in the above example, the use of the link alias kie-wb produces:

  • Use of your business-central container as the controller for the execution server.
  • The repository in the Maven settings, for consuming your artifacts from the business-central container, is automatically set.

So at the point the execution server container is up and running, this server instance will be automatically detected and available in your Drools/jBPM Workbench application, so you can deploy and run your application rules, etc into it.

Once container and web applications started, the application is available at:


The REST API service is located at:

This image provides a default user kieserver using password kieserver1! and with the role kie-server.

3) Docker Compose

In another way, we will run the above Docker images using docker-compose.yaml. We need to save the required image details in docker-compose.yaml and run the yaml file with the docker-compose command


version: '3'

    image: quay.io/kiegroup/business-central-workbench-showcase:latest
      - "8080:8080"
      - "8001:8001"
      - business-central
    image: quay.io/kiegroup/kie-server-showcase:latest
      - "8180:8080"
      KIE_SERVER_ID: sample-server
      KIE_SERVER_LOCATION: http://kie-server:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server
      KIE_SERVER_CONTROLLER: http://business-central:8080/business-central/rest/controller
      KIE_MAVEN_REPO: http://business-central:8080/business-central/maven2

Run yaml using below command

C:\business-central>docker-compose up

Once container and web applications started, the application is available at:
business-central: http://localhost:8080/business-central
kie-server: http://localhost:8180/kie-server

After logging into Business-Central with the default credentials (username: admin and password: admin), go to Menu – > Execution Servers. You should see that “sample-server” is registered on the remote server

About the Author: Elavarasan PK

Technical Specialist, Intersoft Data Labs