Java 14 – Deprecation & Removals

Deprecations Solaris and SPARC Ports (JEP 362) − because this Unix operating system and RISC processor are not in active development since the past few years. ParallelScavenge + SerialOld GC Combination (JEP 366) − since this is…

Java 14 – Other Enhancements

JEP 349 – JFR Event Streaming JEP 349 enhances JDK Flight Recorder data to continuous monitoring for in-process as well as out-of-process applications. Till Java 13, in order to use JFR data, user need to…

Java 14 – NUMA Aware G1

NUMA stands for Non-Uniform Memory Access. It is a memory architecture in which each processor core has its own local memory but other cores have permissions to access it. Paraller GC, when used with -XX:+UseParallelGC…

Java 14 – Packaging Tool

Java 14 introduces a new packaging tool, jpackage based on javapackager. javapackager was introduced in Java 8 and was part of JavaFX kit. As JavaFX is split from Java from 11 version, this packaging tool…

Java 14 – Helpful NullPointerException

Java 14 introduces NullPointerException with helpful information in case -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages flag is passed to JVM. Example Consider the following example − Old Way: Compile and Run the program Output New Way: Compile and Run…

Remove duplicate elements in an array

In this tutorial you will learn how to write a program to remove duplicates from an array. Below are the approaches we will follow to write our program: In this program we will first create…

Perform Right Rotation on Array Elements by Twice

In this tutorial we will learn a Java program to create an array and rotate the elements stored in the array by two positions. Our program will first take the input of the array size…