Java 11 – File APIs

Java 11 introduced an easy way to read and write files by providing new overloaded methods without writing much boiler plate code. Consider the following example − Output

Java 11 – Collections to Array

Java 11 introduced an easy way to convert a collection to an array. Consider the following program − Old Way New Way Output

Java 11 – Standard HttpClient

An enhanced HttpClient API was introduced in Java 9 as an experimental feature. With Java 11, now HttpClient is a standard. It is recommended to use instead of other HTTP Client APIs like Apache Http…

Java 11 – Compile free Launch

Java 11 onwards, now a single java file can be tested easily without compiling as well. Consider the following example Old way of running file (Before Java 11) New way of running file

TypeScript Array Type

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the TypeScript array type and its basic operations. Introduction to TypeScript array type A TypeScript array is an ordered list of data. To declare an array that holds values of a specific type,…

TypeScript object Type

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the TypeScript object type and how to write more accurate object type declarations. Introduction to TypeScript object type The TypeScript object type represents all values that are not in primitive types. The following are primitive…

TypeScript Boolean

In this tutorial, you will learn about the TypeScript boolean data type. The TypeScript boolean type allows two values: true and false. It’s one of the primitive types in TypeScript. For example: JavaScript has the Boolean type that refers to the non-primitive boxed object….