TypeScript object Type

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the TypeScript object type and how to write more accurate object type declarations. Introduction to TypeScript object type The TypeScript object type represents all values that are not in primitive types. The following are primitive…

TypeScript Boolean

In this tutorial, you will learn about the TypeScript boolean data type. The TypeScript boolean type allows two values: true and false. It’s one of the primitive types in TypeScript. For example: JavaScript has the Boolean type that refers to the non-primitive boxed object….

TypeScript Number

 In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the TypeScript number data types. All numbers in TypeScript are either floating-point values or big integers. The floating-point numbers have the type of number while the big integers get the type bigint….

TypeScript String

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the TypeScript string data type. Like JavaScript, TypeScript uses double quotes (“) or single quotes (‘) to surround string literals: TypeScript also supports template strings that use the backtick…

Understanding Type Annotations

What is Type Annotation in TypeScript TypeScript uses type annotations to explicitly specify types for identifiers such variables, functions, objects, etc. TypeScript uses the syntax : type after an identifier as the type annotation, where type can be any…

TypeScript – Why TypeScript

In this tutorial, you’ll learn why you should use TypeScript over JavaScript to avoid the problems created by the dynamic types. Why use TypeScript There are two main reasons to use TypeScript: TypeScript adds a…

TypeScript – Hello World

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop the Hello World program in TypeScript. TypeScript Hello World program in node.js Step 1: Create a new folder to store the code, e.g., helloworld. Step 2: Launch VS…