Java 16 – Deprecation and Removals

Deprecation Removals

Java 16 – Other Enhancements

JEP 338 − Vector API (Incubator) JIT Compiler optimizes the arithmetic algorithms, by transforming some scalar operations (one item at a time) into vector operations (multiple items at a time) automatically. But developers had no…

Java 16 – Garbage Collectors

Java 15 has made the ZGC, Z Garbage Collector a standard feature. It was an experimental feature till Java 15. It is low latency, highly scalable garbage collector. ZGC was introduced in Java 11 as…

Java 16 – Packaging Tools

Java 14 introduces a new packaging tool, jpackage based on javapackager. javapackager was introduced in Java 8 and was part of JavaFX kit. As JavaFX is split from Java from 11 version, this packaging tool…

Java 16 – Record

Java 14 introduces a new class type record as preview feature to facilitate creation of immutable data objects. Java 15 enhances record type further. With Java 16, record is now a standard feature of JDK….

Java 16 – Warning for Value-Based Classes

Some classes, such as java.util.Optional and java.time.LocalDateTime, are value-based. Such Instances of a value-based class are final and immutable. Such classes have annotation @jdk.internal.ValueBased and Java 16 now generates compile time warnings in case such…

Java 16 – Pattern Matching for instanceof

Java 14 introduces instanceof operator to have type test pattern as is a preview feature. Type test pattern has a predicate to specify a type with a single binding variable. It continues to be a…