Data Structure – Algorithm

This is an introductory article on algorithms in data structure. In this article, we are going to get a brief overview of algorithms, the role of algorithms in computing and the overview of majorly used…

Data Structure – Introduction

Data structures are a very important part and a key component of computer science. Without the presence of different types of data structures, it is impossible to store the information effectively. Data structures are a…

Marc’s Cakewalk

Cakewalk Algorithm Marc loves cupcakes, but he also likes to stay fit. Each cupcake has a calorie count, and Marc can walk a distance to expend those calories. If Marc has eaten i cupcakes so…

Partition – Quicksort

We’re explaining a divide-and-conquer algorithm called Quicksort (also known as Partition Sort). This challenge is a modified version of the algorithm that only addresses partitioning. It is implemented as follows: Partition Algorithm Choose some pivot element, p, and partition…