Java8 – Lambda Expression

Lambda expressions are introduced in Java 8 and are touted to be the biggest feature of Java 8. Lambda expression facilitates functional programming, and simplifies the development a lot. Syntax A lambda expression is characterized…

Java8 – Environment Setup

If you want to set up your own environment for Java programming language, then this section guides you through the whole process. Please follow the steps given below to set up your Java environment. Java…

Java8 – Introduction

Java 8 is the most awaited and is a major feature release of Java programming language. This is an introductory tutorial that explains the basic-to-advanced features of Java 8 and their usage in a simple…

Singleton Pattern

Singleton pattern is one of the simplest design patterns in Java. This type of design pattern comes under creational pattern as this pattern provides one of the best ways to create an object. This pattern…

jBPM7 – WorkFlow Nodes

We are going to see what are the simple jBPM components or nodes available. Basically using these nodes we are going to develop BPM workflow model. 1. Task Components User Task is a typical workflow…

jBPM7 – Runtime Manager

Basically If we want to execute *.bpmn files, we should require jBPM runtime environment. For example, If we want to run java class files, we should require JRE like wise jBPM also requires runtime environment…

jBPM7 – Hello World

Let’s get our hands dirty in creating a simple Hello World project. 1. Tech Stack We should have the following software to create a jBPM Project. Java 1.7 or higher version Eclipse IDE for Enterprise…